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Nathaniel Maxuilili Power Plant 

Clean & Sustainable power generated in Walvis Bay, Namibia

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Important Milestone Announcement

The Electricity Control Board of Namibia (ECB) on 28 January 2022 approved the new Generation and Export Licences for the Nathaniel Maxuilili Power Plant


Project Status

The Nathaniel Maxuilili Power Plant (NMPP) embarked on a journey to be the first power plant to be Hydrogen ready. The NMPP is built on a strong project base, with an excellent team behind it and a clear plan to provide electricity for export to South Africa and to Namibia, as well as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, with cheap, sustainable, environmentally-friendly power. 


The NMPP is an innovative project, designed to be constructed much more quickly than traditional power plants, and it has been refined with elements redesigned to ensure we deliver value-for-money power. 


The NMPP has committed investors and developers; we will work with local and regional government and industry to grow the region’s economy and transform Walvis Bay into an energy hub for the SADC region. The Development of NMPP has a high maturity level with all environmental and marine studies completed and clearances achieved.



Project Status

Namibian Economic Growth Summit 
- featured project

The Nathaniel Maxuilili Power Plant team was invited to present this important project at the Namibian Economic Growth Summit 2019. Please see page 10 of the document when you click on the "Read More" button below. The project will bring domestic and foreign investment to the Erongo Region and provide energy security to Namibia.


About the Project

The NMPP is innovative, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly – a model for forward-thinking solutions to the increasing power needs in the SADC region. Once in operation, the plant will use regasified liquefied natural gas to eventually generate 586MW of power.  NMPP is designed to be Hydrogen ready and can potentially be switched when Hydrogen is competitively available in Namibia. 


The NMPP has the potential to boost the economic development and energy diversification of the area. NMPP’s partner project, Walvis GasPort or WGP, is set to kick off a whole new industry. The natural gas WGP will supply to the power plant will potentially also be supplied to independent power producers, factories, mines, and households in Namibia and other SADC countries seeking to diversify their power supply. 


Care is being taken to encourage local procurement and skills transfer and ensure that the project benefits a broad base of Namibians.


The NMPP is being driven by top African and International private sector companies with proven track records in energy project investment, development, equipment manufacturing, construction, management, and operation. The project is being privately funded and over $29 million has already been invested.


The Power Invest team introduced this project and has refined it to ensure that the Power Plant will deliver long-term benefits to its off-takers, who will enter into Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with NMPP. Financial close of the project is anticipated in the last quarter of 2024 or first quarter 2025.


The NMPP is an innovative, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly Power Plant – a model for forward-thinking solutions to the increasing power needs in the Namibia and the SADC region.


Once in operation, the plant will use regasified liquefied natural gas to generate 586MW of power. 


The driving force behind the NMPP project is Power Invest DMCC, bringing together the best technology, financial solution, and partners to diversify and strengthen the region’s power supply.

Utility Pole

The NMPP will bring energy security to the Erongo region, via cost-effective, environmentally friendly technology.


The NMPP will produce a multiplier effect that will benefit the local economy on many levels - bringing not only jobs to the area but benefits to local businesses. 

About the Project



For any enquiries please email us at: 

Head Office

Nathaniel Maxuilili Power Plant

PO Box 6301




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© 2020-2022 Nathaniel Maxuilili Power Plant

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