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The Power Plant

Flexible and agile, the Nathaniel Maxuilili Power Plant will be very different from conventional, coal-fired power stations that take many years to plan and build, have high levels of emissions and use vast quantities of water for cooling.

Its compact modular design lends itself to rapid deployment and power generation early in the project’s lifecycle. Initial generation could be achieved within nine months of construction commencing, and the total planned yield will be available nine months after that. The full construction period, from start to finish, is approximately 24 months.


The plant will yield 586MW of power to the local and/or regional off-takers. The modular design of the plant allows for further future growth.


Briefly, here’s how the power plant project will work:

The Power Plant_How the Project Works no

Walvis GasPort

LNG supply

Fuel and water

pipelines to power plant

Natural gas

power plant

Power into

the grid


Liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be supplied to the plant by Walvis GasPort (WGP), a Namibian natural gas company.


WGP will import LNG, regasify it and then pipe it to the power plant.


The power plant itself will be located behind Dune 7 at Walvis Bay, in an area earmarked for heavy industrial development. State-of-the-art gas turbines will be used to produce the power, which will be distributed to off-takers via a 220kV line and sub-station.


Dune 7 at Walvis Bay

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